Thursday, 20 October 2016
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Planning: Actors and Characters
Within our music video, we will have two main characters; Morgan will be our main character who is being played by Morgan. He is going to be portrayed as if he is in a one-sided relationship and his girlfriend, who is played by Katie, is always angry and upset. As the video progresses, it will be shown that Morgan's girlfriend is embarrassed by him by showing that he is singing karaoke to her whilst under the influence of alcohol.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Conclusions of Research: Codes and Conventions
1, Camera Shots, Angles and Movement.
2, Mise En Scene: Set Design, Locations, Costume, Lighting, Make up and Framing.
3, Editing
2, Mise En Scene: Set Design, Locations, Costume, Lighting, Make up and Framing.
3, Editing
Research: Advert for the digipak 2
This advert is very dark and probably wouldn't suit our song choice. However, it does present the star as the main focus which is what we need for a promo package. The fonts used are unique and would suit our chosen song as it's bold and creative with the name of the artist and the name of the song written in light bulbs. The colour scheme used creates synergy throughout the advert as the use of the white light from the lights illuminates the star image. Also the use of blue is somewhat symbolic as his music is soft and easy going which the colour blue indicates. The overall layout of the advert is straight to the point as it doesn't have a wide range of colours used but is powerful enough to lure in the audience with the ominous atmosphere created by the shadows.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Research- TA Research 1 Audience Research Inital Ideas (Group Post)
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Research of Music Video 6 - Tom Odell - Another Love : Editing
This is the establishing shot for Tom Odell's Another Love. This is a close up of his face and the editing used for this image is that he is seen to be tinted blue. This can set the tone for the song as it is a quite depressing song and suits the lyrics. We can use this type of editing can be used within our music video as it similar to the lyrics. This image looks as if it has a Vignette around it, which is possible for our music video.
Research: Youtube (Group Post)
YouTube has became one of the main institutions that is used for music, this is due to the access being so easy as any music can be found any time. YouTube is a good platform small artists as there music can become a internet sensation within hours as you correct video and promotion can make the video on the most popular pages that spread to ever YouTube user in the world. The use of YouTube is to create content for everybody to view, there is a Like/Dislike to show what the audience think of the music video and there is a comment section for the viewer option to be put across.
The song Counting Stars by OneRepuplic, this video has been viewed millions of times and overall has had a very positive review seen through the Like/Dislike counter. The video has been viewed 1,400,000,000 which is very high, and the like to dislike ratio is 4,500,000 like to 160,000 which is very good for such a highly viewed video.
The comments section for the video is also useful as it can help the audience to communicate with other audience members and provide a area where they can create conversation about the music video and create a positive or negative review of the video. The comments can also create a difference in opinion from one viewer to another and this can lead to the promoting of the video being better as people would want to decide themselves.
YouTube as a institution is a highly successful site which has hundreds of millions of viewers daily, this shows that the music industry has moved to the internet in a large way as the amount of people using the site is that large that the majority don't need to use other means of listening to music.
The group will be using Youtube to research the market for songs and music videos this research would be used to form ideas and new thoughts for our own music video.
The influence of Youtube on our decisions and planning of our music video is huge due to the reason listed above.
The influence of Youtube on our decisions and planning of our music video is huge due to the reason listed above.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Research: Location Shots- Day 1 of recording (Group)
These location shots have been created to present what are going to be used and presented in the videom, this allows us to create ideas for the locations and how we would use them to the best of our ability to create the music video.

The Picture of the open road and surrounding fields photo gives the idea of symmetry and the actors to both come in to the scene at identical times.
Thursday, 6 October 2016
Research: DigiPak Advert
This font, also appears throughout the magazine advert, and is most apparent at the bottom of the advert, where the advert includes the name of the album being advertised, "Only By The Night", with the names of the popular songs below, and in red font the statement that the album is "Out Now". Something like this would be good to include in my magazine advert, as I particularly like the layout of the information seen on the advert.
Saturday, 1 October 2016
Research: TA 2 - Consumption (Group Post)
This is our survey we created to find out how our audience consumes their music. We put 10 copies in both commons rooms to get a reliable outcome.
Research: TA Research (Group)
This is a WordCloud created to show what we would think are audience to eat, wear and do for a passtime.
Research: iTunes (Group Post)
The beginning of iTunes, it was first launched on the 28th of April 2003, the idea was to be an online store available anytime, anywhere for in-demand music. The first availability of iTunes was on the Mac which then led to the user downloading the music onto other devices. iTunes signed record deals with large labels such as EMI, Warner, Sony and BMG, this was to make their music available on iTunes.
Previous to iTunes people would use CD's to copy and share, with the introduction of the broadband internet it made the sharing of music better as it was easy san cheap. This led to the decline of large CD sales as it was so easy to copy music yourself and even to just download within seconds.
iTunes became a fashionable thing to be seen with it made music more attractive to the public, the image of an apple product showed a certain wealth and knowledge of music. iTunes made individual and small artists more level with the bigger artists as anything can be bought and seen.

iTunes hasn't influenced our planning as iTunes is an application that is used by our group a lot but the actual application and the knowledge we now know about it have not influenced our opinions within any factor of the process so far.
Research: Digipak Advert 3
This advert is a great example of one and will suit our chosen song. The simple but powerful image used is clear that this is a solo artist as the image pulls the focus on him by blurring the background. The model's costume is casual and represent his music as it like contemporary folk/pop. The image suits the name of the album as it is called 'Long Way Down' and the image used is of an ally which is blurred which gives the impression that you can't see the end of it. The simple layout with the artist on the left of the frame is great and is something i'd like to take inspiration from when creating my own advert.
Planning: DigiPak image (Group)
We have decided to use this as our Digipak image as it has a lot of intextuality within the image as the female model's dress is red which goes with Morgan's red tie and their red drink and red table cloth. We tried to get the symbolic view of the under cloth of the table being black means that they could be miserable but the use of the red table liner and the action of them holding hands over it could be that when they're together, they are in love and happy. This can be supported by the colour red symbolising love and passion as well as anger, which is shown within the music video.
Research: Digipaks
This a Digipak from the rock band 'Linkin Park' and it is a six fold digipak. Within this digipak you can see the synergy straight away as the colour scheme is black and white which is constant throughout the pack. The cover art for the digipak is an location shot of the band by the sea, which is made to look black and white. Their costumes aren't that visible to see but they look as if they're wearing casual clothes for the genre eg: black boomer jackets and jeans. The masthead is kept the same throughout the digipak with the font being their unique font to create brand identity, seen on the CD and their additional leaflet. We have taken inspiration from this digipak by the use of constant colours to keep the colour scheme and synergy throughout.
How this has influenced my planning and creating:
- Constant Synergy throughout
- Brand identity: the use of fonts
- Location shots used on the background
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